Wednesday, October 16, 2013

System diversity

Ready to shoot fast cars on narrow bridges!

University of San Diego

Vortex provides cgi back plates for the development of a new medical wing at UCSD.

Saving the Michelin man from hackers

After two botched attempts by competing helicam firms, Vortex swoops into New Orleans on 36 hours notice and puts a smile back on the Michelin man!

Top Hooker

10 of nations top anglers compete to see who is Americas next Top Hooker!

Shooting for Cessna

Nice orbiting shots while sitting on the tarmac!

Dont even try it!

Shooting air to air as this fine gentleman hangs by his toes from a full size helicopter.

Shooting on the Dry Lake

Tracking a lone man walking (moon-walking actually) Vortex Aerial…. we have something for everyone!

Brietling Watches

A lone motorcyclist goes down hard in the Sahara, only to be rescued in short order thanks in no small part to his wrist watches built in distress transponder! Vortex provides tracking and fly-over shots of the action.